Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall is in the air

Yes, it is definitely fall in the NE and Midwest! The trees are amazing! This is quite the experience for a girl born in the flat plains of the Texas Panhandle where fall meant cottonpicking and ginning, new school clothes and early morning band practices. We left NY on Oct. 16 and headed to PA where we were met by snow and cold wind. Let's just say we were not too pleased to be driving on a long trip in such weather.

Our first evening out we stopped at the KOA in Erie, PA and preceded to set up for the night. As I was rolling out the slides I noticed a weird sound coming from the kitchen side slide and stopped the roll out. We had not done our usual checklist when we closed up that morning and had left the rug on the kitchen floor where it promptly gathered up under the slide and got stuck. UGH!! As we worked feverishly to undo the rug, it became very obvious that only a miracle would get it done without totally wrecking the wall the fridge was mounted in. I was just about at the end of all my patience so I sat numbly on the sofa while Curtis worked and tried different ideas for freeing it. As I sat there I began to pray for the Lord to make a miracle for us and allow us to get through the ordeal with as little damage to the coach as possible. After about 2 hours of me praying and Curtis working he decided he needed to cut as much of the rug away as possible. So he cut through the heavy braided rug with 2 pairs of scissors and his Swiss army knife. As he pulled away one section the rug began to unravel. PTL!! Our miracle was a reality as Curtis was able to very carefully unravel the remain rug under the slide. The only thing done was the facia pulled out but didn't break. As we were already going to the DVR factory to have some things done to the RV, we were able to get it fixed and miracle of miracles we were not charged!!

We have spent the last week here in Indiana's Amish country having adjustments and additions made as well as a few repairs done to the RV and truck. All this should make the towing and riding much easier and the new leveling system is amazing. So much easier to set up and take down now. Today we are having the truck suspension maxxed with airbags.

Our time here has been good even though costly. The pace here is much more laid back and it is quite something to share all the roads with horses and buggies and bikes. The foods are amazing, too. Lots of yummy baked goods and noodles with butter or gravies. I call it all the ultimate in comfort foods. I had a piece of coconut cream pie that rivaled my Mamaw's Wednesday night at an Amish restaurant. They used real whipping cream rather than meringue just like she did. MMMMM!!!! The farms are small but very productive it would appear. Lots of dairy and beef farms as well as corn, grain, pumpkins and squash acreage. The countryside is filled with red barn, white farmhouses and silos amidst the foliage of fall. It is breathtaking.

My patience has been stretched to almost the breaking point with all the tweaking being done to our rig but I am trying to keep my cool and letting God control it all rather than trying to do so myself. Seems like for a while I was losing that battle, but I am feeling more at ease now.
May He continue to give me grace and patience!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, McKenzie

Today is McKenzie Ann Chance's 5th birthday! She is a very sweet little girl who loves all things pink and fancies herself as all grown up. Due to Awana meetings on Wednesday night at church where she is a Spark and Connor is a TNT, we celebrated her birthday last night. Her menu of choice for dinner was most sophisticated especially for a five year old. Shrimp scampi over rice with asparagus and Italian bread. No cake for her either! She wanted cupcakes so her mom, Acacia out did her self with a "butterfly cake" shaped out of cupcakes complete with candle antennae and colorful frosting on the wings and body of the butterfly. Laughter rang out all evening long as the birthday girl giggled and squealed with delight at all her gifts. Each one was welcomed with "oh my gosh, this is just what I wanted". As soon as one was open she grabbed another and torn into it. McKenzie's menu choice was delicious and enjoyed by us all. She was the last one to finish but I really think it was due to the excitement and anticipation of opening her gifts. Chris and Acacia have done a wonderful job as parents with she and her brothers and we are very proud of all of them. A party with friends at a local bowling alley for bumper bowling and refreshments is planned on Saturday for her. Alas, Mamaw and Papaw will not be here for that as we need to begin heading in a southerly direction to avoid the coming winter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MCKENZIE ANN. We love you lots!!!

Procrastination personified

Yes, it is procrastination personified! ME!!! I don't know why I put off doing things like I do. I somehow manage to wait long enough that the task at hand seems totally impossible or overwhelming! But alas, here I am trying to capture two months in a few words.

August was quite the month! It saw the acceptance of a new position for Chris, our son, requiring him to do some international travel and the birth of our third grandchild, a boy. Gavin Spencer Chance came into the world on Saturday, August 29th about 1:30 pm. He weighed in at 12 lbs, 6 oz. and was 22 1/2 inches in length! After a pretty uneventful birth he had some issues with his breathing and after about 4 hours was rushed back to the nursery and put on oxygen and antibiotics. Seems he had not expelled the fluid from his lung in the birth canal as he should have. It was very frightening for all of us but after about 36 hours with tubes everywhere he was able to rejoin his mom in her room and came home with her late Monday afternoon. Boy, were we all glad to get him home. A bit of a background on his name -- my dad's first name is Garvin so Acacia and Chris decided that Gavin was a good likeness of it. His middle name Spencer is after my mom's maiden name. All the children have family related names now. Connor William is a fifth generation C. William Chance, McKenzie Ann has the same middle name as me and Acacia's mom and now Gavin Spencer. Acacia's dad is George so the "G" is symbolic for him, too.

Needless to say we have loved being here for Gavin's birth and watching him develop for his first 6 weeks. Later on I will write about those weeks in more detail.
I will close off for now. Just too much to write about in one posting!!! Procrastination is NEVER good!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Not just another day

August 4th is not just another day in my family. It is one that is both mourned and celebrated by my side (Kim's) of the family each year. On August 4, 1971 my parents received in the very wee hours of the morning the knock on the door no parents ever wants to receive. That was the day our middle sister, Jojane, was tragically killed in a one car auto accident. She was just two weeks past her 21st birthday and was fatally injured along with two of her friends. So much of the weeks that followed are a blur yet so much is vividly recalled. Jojane was a tall slender young woman with a huge zest for life. Our son, Chris, was only 18 months old when the accident occurred but was the recipient of her love and devotion like no one else. She gave him his first bath and helped care for him when we moved to Houston when he was 5 weeks old. They would have been best buddies for life, I'm sure. Both my younger sister, Kelli and I, have mourned over the fact that she never knew our other children either.
On the other side of the equation, August 4, 1989 was a day full of excitement and joy as Kelli's youngest daughter, Natalie Renee Dailey entered the world. She has been both a delight and puzzle (as are all children) to our family for 20 years now. We celebrate with her in spirit today as we are not in Texas at this time. In some respects she and her Aunt Jojane are kindred spirits as both of them had/have fierce independent streaks and know who and what they are/were.
So to these two Texas lasses, I say I love you and miss you, Janie, but will see you in due time and Happy 20th Birthday, Miss Natalie, I love you lots.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fireworks, Food, Friends and Family

This Fourth of July was full of lots of things.  Fireworks lit the sky here in the Finger Lakes area of NY even though lightning filled it earlier in the evenings of the 3rd and 4th.  The KOA was filled to capacity with mostly happy campers and their kids and pets.  Even Zeke met a twin dachshund who camped across the street from us during the weekend.  He was a 5 month old that looked exactly like Zeke with the exception of Toby having a white star on his chest.  His brown markings matched Zeke's and their sizes were the same.
On Friday evening Chris and his family joined me at the AOK KOA Kafe for dinner with Curtis (Papaw) cooking.  Curtis had a very busy weekend cooking breakfasts, dinners and serving ice cream.  Acacia made a delicious fresh strawberry pie for us to enjoy for dessert.  Earlier in the day she and I took Connor and McKenzie to see "Night at the Museum-Battle in the Smithsonian".  It was very enjoyable and a nice way to keep little ones happy on a day that was too cool to go swimming.
We have made some good friends here in NY at the campground and it was fun to see them this past weekend enjoying each other and their families.   Lots of laughter and fun was had by all.
Alas, a sad note was added when we learned that our former pastor in San Francisco had passed away after complications from an infection took him.  He had both legs amputated due to the infection and it continued to attack his heart and body.  Thankfully, he was delivered into the Savior's arms and is now "dancing" in heaven with all the other saints who have gone before.  His passing left a large hole in the church in San Francisco and especially his family and friends. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Catching up, not so easy

That's right, catching up on a blog is not easy to do when you have not done it in a while.  Oh, well, procrastination just may be my middle name!  
We are having a great time here in NY state working at the KOA again and spending time with Chris and his family.  The grandchildren are growing like weeds and the new baby that Acacia is carrying seems to be growing and making his presence known more each day.  We have all decided that Sunday afternoons and Sunday dinners are our family time.  Chris does some awesome things on the grill - this past Sunday he grilled rib eyes and corn on the cob.  It is always so great to spend time together so baloney sandwiches would be fine, too.  LOL!!
Acacia, Curtis, Connor, McKenzie, and I attended the opening night here in Rochester of "Walk With Dinosaurs" at the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Arena.  Even though I firmly disagree with the evolution theory it was espousing, the mechanics and portrayals of the dinos was amazing.  They are done in life size proportions with the dino bones that have been found in digs.  They are very life like and are incredible to watch.  The children were enthralled with them as were we.  McKenzie was not a willing member of the audience until she realized that they were merely "costumes" moving via parade type cars with drivers.  Chris missed it as he was on a trip for work.
This past weekend we celebrated Curtis' 62nd birthday amid working our usual schedules.  His birthday was Saturday so I had birthday cake and ice cream for him and we were joined by about 18 of the staff and seasonal campers.  One of the couples who live in the campground full time have a nice patio with flowers, tiki torches and a fire ring.  They graciously let us use their area to have the gathering... it was very nice and we all celebrated with him.  And to think that a mere 13 years ago he was battling cancer!!  I am so thankful that the Lord healed him and we are able to live out his dream of full time rving.
So far we have not had much heat here.  It seems to really be staying cool this year, though I realize it is only June.  But it is nice and very enjoyable, however, the mosquitoes are out again in force and they always manage to find me!!!  Grrrr!!!  Hateful little things!!!
Shelby, one of our co-workers, is having cataract surgery next week so our schedule will be changing for a few days.  He is really in need of it but should be back on top of things in a few days.  This is the second summer we have worked with Shelby and his wife, Ruth.  They are very delightful Southern folk from Louisiana and lots of fun to work and visit with.
I will try to stay more current, but I don't make promises I can't keep!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Looms Ahead

Can't believe we have been in NY for almost a month!  The weather is nothing like last year so far.  We have had rain, wind and cold since we got here with the exception of a couple of warm humid days.  The wind creates too much risk for our awning so we have hardly had it out at all.  The up side of all of it is that the area is greening anyway.  The flowers are lovely and the trees are filling out nicely.  
Tomorrow is a day off for us so we are going to take a ride somewhere in the area to see some of the places we missed last year.  It is such a beautiful area with the rolling hills and little farms tucked into the valleys.  Lots of fruit and vegetable stands to stop at and buy fresh off the vine or stalk or limb!  
Our work schedule is finally coming together for the rest of the summer.  Ruth and Shelby and Curtis and I worked together last summer here for Victor and Kathy, but Pat and Ron are new to the staff.  Everyone seems to get along great and yesterday we had a potluck for all the staff as well as the seasonals (they are folks who live in the campground for several months at a time).  It was very nice and we had lots of great food.  I only wished that my cold had been completely gone so I could have enjoyed it more.
My schedule for this week only has two days of work!!!  I am going to go with Acacia, my daughter in law, to a Women of Faith conference here in Rochester on Friday and Saturday.  I am really looking forward to going with her.  The conference is one that I have wanted to attend but always just missed it for one reason or another.  There will be some awesome speakers and musicians sharing their love for the Lord and His people.  
Our spunky little Zeke is still a character!  He thinks it is so much fun to jump up on to the table or the bed or sofa to steal something and run with it.  NOTHING is off limits as far as he is concerned, including receipts, articles of clothing, shoes and even my cell phone!!  Tonight he snatched my phone as it fell onto the floor and ran as hard and fast as he could with it into the bedroom and back out.  I wish I had had the forethought to call my phone with Curtis' just to see what he would do.  He is very sensitive to sounds so maybe he might have second thoughts if my ringer had scared him.  Maybe next time!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Long time no write

I seem to have lost my momentum for keeping up with this blog.  Perhaps because we have fallen once again into a mundane type of lifestyle.  Most probably it is because I am once again bitten by the procrastination bug!  I have a lifelong feud with this disease and I think I am losing the battle.  However, I did clean out the cabinet holding the pots and pans.  The cabinet where my books are stashed is in utter chaos and here I sit on the computer instead of making some headway in the cleaning of it.  Perhaps I have the Scarlett O'Hara syndrome...... "I'll think about it tomorrow."  Perhaps I am just plumb LAZY!?!  
This weekend is very busy here at the KOA campground.  All the sites plus the overflow area are filled with families enjoying the four day holiday together.  Unfortunately for us we must work those holidays rather than spend it with family.  But the rest of the summer weekdays we are able to get together with them.  This weekend Chris and Acacia took the children to Toronto, Canada for the holiday.  We are anxious to hear all about their mini vacation when they return to Rochester.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Springtime in NY

Yesterday I wrote a short blog entry and the wifi did something and kicked me off and it was not saved.  So today I will try to get this written and saved and published.  
Mother's Day was a very nice day beginning with a call from Curtis who was in the campground cafe cooking breakfast for the campers.  He invited me to come down for my breakfast.... he makes very good cinnamon pancakes and bacon!  Melanie called me later to wish me a good day and Keenan texted me to wish me the same.  Chris, Acacia, Connor and McKenzie came down to Canandaigua to take us out for dinner.  We went to an authentic German restaurant in town and it was delicious.  I had Schweinebraten (pork roast with white wine mushroom sauce), spaetzel (German potato noodles) and red cabbage.  For dessert I had a slice of sacher torte (dark chocolate torte with apricot filling and dark chocolate icing.
Yesterday we went into Rochester to the Lilac Festival in Highland Park.  It was full of beautiful lilac trees and bushes as well as tulips and many other flowering trees and shrubs.  We walked and walked and enjoyed not only the sight of the flowers but the aromas emitting from all of them.  It was a lovely way to spend a nice afternoon off work.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New York, New York

For those not aware we are now in New York at the KOA campground for the summer again.  We arrived last Wednesday in Rochester staying in Chris' and Acacia's driveway until Sunday.  On Sunday afternoon we made our short trek down to the KOA at Canandaigua.  It has been fun not only to see and spend time with Chris and family  but to see our co-workers and the seasonals who stay all summer at the KOA.  Initially, I didn't think that I'd enjoy the work camping experience at the campground but was willing to do it just to be able to see the kids all summer.  However, I found that I really enjoyed the time here not only with the family but with the other folks we worked with and the folks who return every summer to stay here.  We have had fun times, not so fun times and challenges but the time was well spent and we couldn't wait to get back.  When we drove into the campground on Sunday we were greeted royally with hugs and smiles and then to coffee and donuts at the local Tim Horton's coffee shop.  The trip to Tim Horton's has become a tradition for us and one of the other work camper couples.  It is not so much about the coffee (Curtis and Ruth don't drink it, but Shelby and I do) but is rather about the fellowship and friendship we have developed.  Ruth and Shelby are a couple originally from Louisiana who have been work camping for many years.  They are what my Mamaw Wilkes would have called "salt of the earth" folks.  They are about 4-5 years older than we are but are balls of fire working in their respective jobs.  And they are lots of fun!!!
Our grandchildren are growing like weeds and so much fun.  Acacia is popping out with the new baby boy.  Chris is busy with work and traveling but seems to be enjoying it more.  We saw both grandchildren move up to the next level in Awana last week.  Connor is now a TNT and McKenzie is now a Spark.  McKenzie had a hard time at soccer last Saturday and didn't play.  She got all shy and rather than making it too hard for her they just let her kick the ball with her dad and brother.   Next Saturday we will not be there and maybe her "stage fright" will dissipate and she'll get in the game.  Yesterday I came back to their house as Chris is out of town this week and they needed someone to be here in the morning after Acacia and McKenzie leave to make sure Connor gets on the school bus and then gets off in the afternoon.  My work week doesn't start until Thursday so I could help them out.  So last night I took Connor to the YMCA for his swim class.  He is a little fish even diving to the bottom of the deep end.  Of course, one of the highlights this summer will be the birth of baby boy Chance due the end of August.  Everyone is excited and looking forward to his arrival.  McKenzie has decided that being the ONLY girl is not such a bad thing, either.  
Zeke was greeted with lots of reactions from the apprehension of McKenzie to the over zealous playing of Connor and his allergic reaction.  He takes after his dad with the allergy but we just make sure he has his meds and eye drops and washes his hands frequently.  We are very pleased how well Zeke himself is adapting to his everchanging environments.  
All in all, we are settled in for the summer and already feeling blessed by so much.  Plus we are so thankful to the Lord for the travel mercies He gave us.  We saw lots of accidents some with fatalities on the trip up here this time.  So we are very grateful for our safe travels.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh to have had a camera

I just wanted to share that last night's show in Branson of the #1 Hits of the 60's was the best!  And the biggest star was the one and only, Curtis Chance!  You are reading correctly, it was Curtis - my better half!  One of the female cast members came out into the audience and picked Curtis out to "help" do a number with her and the other two girls in the show.  They "dressed" him up in long hippy braids complete with headband, round John Lennon colored glasses, hippie beads and a long fringed vest.  The band began to play "These Boots are Made For Walking" and the girls tried their best to get him to walk in step with them.  Those of you who know him know that "Rhythm" is not his forte' so all it got was great guffaws from the audience.  He was a real trooper, however, and took it all in stride.  He was a good sport and even responded with humor upon receiving the remarks from fellow audience members about his part of the show.  All in all, it was a delightful time listening to the "oldies" and laughing, with not at, Curtis!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ozark beauty

Last night was spent in Eureka Springs, AR in the beautiful Ozarks.  My paternal grandparents moved from Arkansas in the early 1920's to the flatlands of Texas and looking at the beautiful greenery I think it might have been our loss.  Each time I have been in Arkansas I have been mesmerized by its beauty.  Tonight we are in Branson, MO and it is every bit as lovely.  The rolling hills and crooked roads made for interesting travel in a motorhome this morning.  The dogwoods and redbuds are coming out right now and filling the horizons with color and aroma.  We are ahead of the crowds here in Branson so the traffic is minimal at the moment.  According to the KOA owner in Eureka Springs the economy has had a profound effect on their tourist business.  I suspect the same could be said about Branson as there are many closed and for sale businesses including theaters and restaurants.  
Tomorrow night we have tickets to a show at one of the theaters.  It is the #1 Hits of the 60's.  Since that is "our" music we will really enjoy it, at least I hope we do.
Yesterday we got word that Grandpa Chance had his second cataract surgery yesterday morning.  He did very well and should be able to see much better now that the last eye has been done.
We look forward to continuing our journey north into the Northeast on Friday.  

Monday, April 20, 2009

New York, here we come!

We have left the state of TX today and headed northeast.  The weekend was spent in Colleyville, TX with Curtis' youngest brother and his wife, Richard and Stephanie.  We had a good time with them.  While in Austin we had a great time visiting with my dad, my sister, Kelli, niece, Natalie and Kelli's husband, Gary and the ALL the assorted four legged critters!  Also enjoyed visiting with Susan Speck Fenner and her mom, Ethel.  And of course, we got a refill on Tex-Mex food and Texas BBQ!  
Our plan for now is to go to Branson, MO and perhaps catch a show at one of the theaters there then make our way to NY to work again for the summer.  We are looking forward to seeing our friends at the KOA in Canandaigua, NY yet the biggest excitement will be playing with the grandchildren.  Can't wait to see how tall they have gotten and hear their tales of the past few months.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Texas Two Stepping Out of Arizona

We are leaving the State of Cactus and Boredom!  Today is our last day in Arizona.  This bus will be departing in the morning, passing through New Mexico on the way to TEXAS.  Our stay there will be much too brief this go around but what can you do?  Our commitment in New York begins the first of May and we don't want to have to push too hard on the way up since the throes of winter are still clinging in the midwest and east.  Curtis doesn't like to drive in high winds and inclement weather and I don't like to "passenger" in the same.  
Just in the last few days one of the guys from the Lamesa High School class of 1966 (Kim's classmate) passed away.  Johnny never came to Lamesa for one of the infamous Jubilees (big school reunion held every 5 years) but several of us were able to reconnect with him through Facebook just in the last couple of months.  What a shock for all of us!  Johnny was the consummate Texas gentleman.  I had known him since elementary days and we were in many classes together throughout our school days in West Texas.  I never heard him say a bad thing about anyone or any situation and he always had a smile on his face for everyone.  I know his family will miss him greatly and those of us who knew him in Lamesa will miss not being able to see him again.  This sure did give us a moment of pause.  We take our lives for granted and don't enjoy the little things enough.  
I'll post again from Texas in a few days.  Until then hug your families and enjoy this wonderful life that God has given us - warts and all!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Training is almost done

We are into the last week of Spring Training here in Arizona.  Tonight and Sunday are our last two scheduled work days.  Next Wednesday we will head up to Cottonwood just for the day as we have scheduled Zeke to be neutered at the vet's there.   Curtis will take his dad for a checkup with the eye doctor also.  Clayton's eye that had the cataract removal is still giving him some problems but it is from being dry behind the retina.  Don't know exactly what that means but he is not handling it very well (meaning Clayton).  On Thursday we will move the motorhome to the east side of the Phoenix area to Apache Junction as we are having a garage sale of things we no longer want to keep in storage.  The sale will be at Curtis' brother's home in Gilbert.  Shortly after the sale is done on April 6th we will begin the trek north and east.  I'll try to keep you posted via this blog to where and when we will be going.
On Wednesday we said goodbye to Melanie as she flew back home to Colorado.  She was here for a week and we all enjoyed her stay very much.  Thank the Lord she had reservations for Wednesday and not Thursday.  Denver and the state was pommeled by a giant snowstorm on Thursday and most activity came to a halt.  So we are very thankful she left when she did.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Time in AZ

We are not officially into Spring but in AZ it is very warm.  And did that surprise me?  NO!!!  Everyone who doesn't know that we lived here for 27 years assure us that this is an abnormally warm spring.  Yet every weather forecast tells us about how close the day is to breaking a temperature high/record and it seems we lived here when the high/record was recorded.  So don't tell me it's abnormal.  I came to the conclusion that there is no normal weather cycle here or anywhere else, really.  It is what it is and you just have to deal with it!  Wow, that is pretty cynical but that is how I am feeling today.  I HATE hot weather in AZ.
Today we are at the ballpark again working.  (The concession stands have no A/C.)  Don't know who is playing but will find out shortly.  I hope it is as busy as last time as it makes the day go by faster and is more fun.  
I almost hate to say it but I think our puppy, Zeke, has reached a pinnacle.  He is doing really well with his training now and hasn't had an accident in several days.  Yeah, Zeke!  We decided to take the pad up and not use them except for when we visit in someone's home.  Maybe, just maybe, he is housebroken!!!!  He does tell us when he wants out but will run and make you catch him to take him out.  We are hoping we can modify that behavior and not have to chase him down.  But we will take one step at a time.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Valley of The Sun

Once again we are living in the Valley of the Sun - the Phoenix area of AZ.  This area is experiencing above average temperatures for this time of  year.  Of course, I'm back so it has to be HOT!!!  We are parked in Peoria at a RV resort that is very nice.  It is very clean and has some great amenities and we have friendly neighbors.  With the high temps everyone stays inside most of the time with the A/C running.  The nights cool down nicely though, so we can sleep with a window open and an overhead fan running.
Our schedules for working at the spring training at Surprise Stadium are still not what we had hoped for but we have volunteered for more hours if the need becomes available.  
We attended Grace Bible Church in Sun City on Sunday.  That was like a de ja vu moment from the early 50's - the choir were all in robes (it was only the madrigal singers not the full choir) and the songs were out of the hymnal.  Not a child or a young person under 25 was to be seen.  The message was of course, timely, and challenging yet the service was more formal and somewhat stilted.  They recognized birthdays for the month of March for the congregation but only those who had reached at least 90 years of age.  There were quite a few.  I must say I really have no desire to live and worship in a community of all senior citizens.  There is something much more "normal" and appealing about living among all ages even if you have to live in a retirement or assisted living facility.  At least in the areas where on the streets and in the stores are children and young people.  Sooo, my children, if you are reading this keep this in mind.  I like young people and children and don't desire to segregate myself from them!!!!  Rest assured however, that does not mean I want to live with you all either, just close by!!   

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Spring Training

So here we are in the Phoenix area again, only this time it is to stay for about 6 weeks.  We awoke early this morning (6am) to take Grandpa Chance to his cataract surgery in Cottonwood, AZ this morning only to receive a call from him about 630am.  He was informing us that the doctor had to postpone the surgery today due to a family emergency in her family.  Ugh!  If only we had known but alas emergencies don't schedule themselves into your schedule!!!  So we finished up our preparations to leave for the Phoenix area, Curtis took a little nap and we left to head in to their apartment.  On the way we stopped for coffee for G,G and me and donuts for all.  We had an impromptu birthday celebration for them both instead of eye surgery.  Grandpa's birthday is Friday, Feb. 27 and Grandma's is March 8.  They seemed to really enjoy it and so did we.  Beats a poke in the eye....... lol...... pun intended!!!

Now we are settled into the Casa Del Sol RV Resort in Peoria, AZ.  Within 30 minutes of checking in and setting up the motor home, we had 2 neighbors come over to tell us not to let Zeke, our puppy, out by himself and to take a stick along when we walk him in the evening, at night or early morning.  It seems even though this resort is really in the middle of civilization, coyotes are frequent visitors in the resort.  They pass through and snatch whatever little animal is available, even trying to snatch a dog off a leash while the owner beat it over the head with a stick.  The woman next door told me that she has an axe handle for just that purpose and we are welcome to borrow it!  YIKES!!!  We just spent 4 months in the high desert of AZ where we heard coyotes howling late at night near the Thousand Trails Preserve we were staying in.  We didn't hear of any abductions of pets by them and that preserve is out in the middle of the desert.  Just goes to show that when civilization creeps up on the wildlife in an area and all the small rodents are erradicated the population of predators goes looking for their food supply in the inhabited areas.   Needless, to say we won't be straying too far at night with Zeke.  

The weather this week is above normal temperatures for the Valley of the Sun so say the weather mavens.  DUH!!!  I am back in the Valley for an extended stay so of course, all kinds of  records will be set.  It is February and we have the A/C on.  What's up with that??  But at least it is only for about 5-6 weeks.  Right now we are not too pleased with the lack of hours on the schedule for working here.  We were told yesterday at the last orientation session that we would be working 20-30 hours per person per week.  For the entire Spring Training the current schedule shows us working only 90 hours for the two of us combined.  Curtis called the head guy and asked him to give us a call to discuss the discrepancy.  We shall see how it goes from here.  Our finances are in desperate need of a boost and 90 hours in 6 weeks is just not going to cut it.  Our sufficiency is with our Lord however, so we are certain that He will provide no matter what the outcome.  But the change in hours, if it is correct, has taken us by surprise to say the least.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.  We have spent a quiet Saturday just doing some odd jobs and preparing a nice dinner for Grandma and Grandpa Chance tonight.  Curtis has gone into Cottonwood to pick them up and bring them out to our motor home.  I'm making a pot roast with potatoes, carrots, celery and onions.  A fruit salad, rolls and brownies with raspberries and chocolate syrup completes the meal.  I figure they don't often have pot roast at the assisted living they are in so I'd treat them to one.  
Our time in Cottonwood is drawing to a close.  Only one week left to be here.  We will be trying to cram a lot into our last week.  Dinners with two couples as well as time spent with Grandma and Grandpa.  
Hope all of those reading this post are spending time with ones they love today.  

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The End Is Near

Now don't get in an uproar about the title "The End Is Near".  I just mean I can see the end of our time in Cottonwood, AZ.  It is near!!  We are pulling out of here on Feb. 21 to head down to the Phoenix for our work commitment with baseball's spring training.  Then on April 3rd our time is done there and we will head out for Texas for a few days.  We will head out from there to return to NY's Finger Lakes area to work at the KOA again and to await the arrival of our third grandchild.  I am not sure how Curtis' folks will handle our leaving.  I think they have really enjoyed us being here and may feel somewhat abandoned by us.  I sure hope not.  Grandma Chance got a good report from the blood work she had done last week.  So no chemo for at least the next six weeks.  Another test will be run then to determine if she will need anymore for a while longer.  Hopefully, it will stay in remission for a nice long period of time.  Grandpa Chance will need to have a cataract removed from one of his eyes.  Curtis takes him to the opthamologist on Thursday to consult about that.  Perhaps he can have it done before we pull out on 2/21.  
The concert on Sunday down in Phoenix was really good.  The Signature Sound puts on a wonderful and lively Christian Gospel concert.  We enjoyed a great steak dinner before the show at one of our favorite restaurants in the Phoenix area.... Bill Johnson's Big Apple.  Curtis' brother and his wife, Dave and Jean, met us for dinner and the concert.  It was a very fun evening all the way around.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

Wow, it is already well into the first week of February and I haven't blogged for over a week.  We have been to Phoenix for a memorial service of a friend on Monday, then back down to Phoenix for a training class with Aramark concessions for our job at the Surprise Stadium during Spring Training.  Tonight we went to a pie auction and spaghetti dinner at church.  On Sunday, Feb. 8 we are going back to Phoenix for a concert by Ernie Hasse and the Signature Sound.  Zeke stayed at the vet's boarding kennel while we were at the training session.  He came home today ready to play and play hard he did.  Then he fell asleep for a long time.  He seems to be calming down during car rides and relaxing more so hopefully he will be a good traveler for us.  Zeke has interacted really well with other dogs here at the preserve and with friends' dogs.  When other dogs approach he is not as yippy at all as Max was.  So hopefully we can keep him from being a barky type of dog.  Now if we can just hang on until we get him house broken.  

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yea for FaceBook

I know there are the naysayers that think that Face Book is a bad thing and I guess like anything it can be!  However, I really enjoy it since it has put me back in touch with many friends from the past both near and far.  I have reconnected with several people from my hometown, Lamesa, TX, out in the Panhandle of the Lone Star State.  One in particular is Susan Speck Fenner.  Our grandfathers actually were in the grocery business together for a short while in Lamesa and our dads went to school together there.  Susan and her family moved from there but came back when we were in elementary school but move away again after our eighth grade year.  Off and on we have crossed paths, she went to Austin High School with Curtis, but was a year behind him.  We went to UT and she and I were married within a week of each other.  However, after UT we lost contact for many years.  Face Book has been the vehicle to re-establish our friendship.  So my hat is off to the electronic age and its many wonders.  I kind of feel sorry for those folks who don't want or cannot learn to be techno savvy.  
It is with a very heavy heart that we learned that our friend, Gene, passed away on Tuesday night in Scottsdale, AZ.  Our prayers are certainly with his wife, Sara, and children, Jonathan and Jennifer.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Perhaps he's got it

Ok so maybe we are becoming the trained ones, but Zeke seems to be catching on a bit more to the housebreaking idea.  He does now take care of business when he is taken out, plus when he has peed in the RV he has actually gotten on the pad!!  Hate to say much about it because he will surely make a liar out of me.  But oh, well.  For now we're enjoying success.

We got notice last night that our friend in Phoenix, Gene, has taken a turn for the worse.  He had a stroke over a month ago and has been in rehab in Scottsdale.  However, he kept passing out so the doctors determined that his gall bladder was the culprit and did laproscopic (sp?) surgery on him Sunday morning.  It was determined last night that there are now blood clots in his lungs which traveled up from his legs.  Because the reason for the stroke was a bleed in his brain, he is already on high doses of blood thinner and cannot be given more.  His children were flying in last night from their homes in CA.  We are all praying for a miracle for him.  He is about the same age we are so this is a very sobering thing to us.  

After much ado, I remembered the masking tape to bind the canvas edges for the needlepoint Christmas stocking I am making for the new grandbaby.  It is teddy bears and I think it will be a nice addition to the ones I made for Connor and McKenzie and will certainly work for both girl or boy.  I hope to have it done very quickly and not lollygag along as I did with the other two.  But I am afraid "procrastination" is my middle name!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Call To Prayer

It is a new year, a new president and all the old problems.  This is a call to prayer for our nation.  No matter what side of the political fence you sit, this country is in deep trouble, morally and economically.  I would encourage everyone to hit their knees and pray in earnest for our leadership both governmental and corporate.  Pray that they each would seek out the face of our Creator and Savior, ask for forgiveness and ask for His guidance in their lives.  That would be my prayer for each of us also.  This country's peoples need to turn back to the basics of faith and that faith should be and must be in Jesus Christ.  Please make it a priority to pray for the US and our leaders and ourselves.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Super Bowl Bound

After 20+ years in Arizona, the Arizona Cardinals are Super Bowl bound.  Shock and amazement! Kurt Warner not only is an outstanding quarterback in the literal sense, he is more importantly a quarterback for the Lord.  Last night after playing in a nail biting second half of the winning game, he first and foremost gave thanks for God's provision of salvation through Jesus Christ.  This is in total opposition to the little bratty tantrum of Anquan Boldin who after just winning the NFC title with the Cardinals stormed into the locker room to "gritch" and moan about the selfsame team!  Unbelievably bad behavior and certainly not role model quality.  Even though I know as I'm sure Kurt Warner knows, the Lord does not care a whit about who wins a football game, it is so wonderful and encouraging to hear His Name lifted up in praise and thanksgiving over the airwaves that carry all over His world!   Boldin needs desperately to come face to face with Jesus and explain to Him why he feels the need to belittle the abundance that has been given him by professional sports!  Anyway, go Cardinals!!! Beat Pittsburgh!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ins and Outs of Puppy Owners

This week has been one of the more eventful weeks in the life of Zeke, the mini dachshund pup.  He got his third puppy shot,  was able to begin his leash training, and was bitten by something the vet seems to believe was a scorpion.  After calling in to the vet about the swollen left side of his muzzle, we took him in for a vet visit.  She gave him a shot of Benadryl, prescribed children's Benadryl for him later that night and this morning then sent us on our way.  He is now back to normal after being kind of loopy for the past 24 hours.  He loves going outside but still needs to figure out his purpose and priority of the walk.... it is not just for sightseeing!  

Curtis and I have been hired to work at the Surprise, AZ spring training facility in the concession area.  We have to go to a training session for food handlers and get our permits to work with foods as AZ requires on Feb. 5.  The job starts on Feb. 25th and lasts for about 6 weeks.  The Texas Rangers and the Kansas City Royals use the stadium for their training and there are games every day for the entire time.   We don't have our schedules for working yet but I don't think it will be for every game.  Should be fun doing it so we are looking forward to giving it a go.  Our motor home will be parked in the area, too, so we don't have a long commute to and from the stadium.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Growing Up

Our little puppy, Zeke, successfully graduated to his leash yesterday after his third puppy shot.  He can't quite get the hang of it yet, but that will come in time and with some patience on our part.  I have to admit my patience wore a bit thin yesterday, however.  The one thing that our previous dachshund did that drove me crazy was whine and cry when in the presence of other dogs or children, if he was not allowed to freely get to them.  Anytime we went to the vet's office or if we were walking outside with him while in San Francisco and dogs or children appeared, he would put up such a fuss it was embarrassing.  Well, it seems that Zeke has decided this is something he should also do!!!  By the time we got home yesterday, I had a raging headache from listening to him whine and my patience was taxed to the limit.  I really want to teach him that this is not acceptable so I hope I can withstand the effort.  He is doing well though for such a young pup.  He weighed in at 4.8 lb which is 13 oz over this last checkup.  He was a real trooper when it came to getting his shot as not so much as a whimper was made.  His personality is beginning to shine through also, a bit of stubbornness and strong will but really a cuddler, too.  I think he will grow into a delightful addition to our home and lifestyle.  

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday's drill

Seems as though we have gotten into the habit of doing laundry on Monday.  For years I have resisted that chore on Monday choosing some other day like Wednesday or Thursday for the mundane.  Somehow we are stuck on Monday and it is really hard to break the mold since living in a motor home limits the amount of accessible necessities (ie. undies, etc.) to fewer than if living in a house or apartment.  Don't know why I am telling you all this....:)  Anyway, you will notice a picture of Zeke and me that Curtis took yesterday afternoon.  He has developed a need to lie on the sofa up against my back and look out the window behind us.  Sometimes he will fall asleep and become like dead weight on my shoulders.  Tomorrow he gets his 3rd puppy shot and hopefully we can start the leash training outside!   

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Today after church we came home right after the first service as they had a business meeting for the congregation during the second hour.  So there was no adult Sunday School class.  We have  had a very lazy afternoon just hanging at the motor home.  Curtis and Zeke took a nap after we had a short web cam with Connor and McKenzie and Chris.  Acacia was taking a nap herself  while we chatted.  This week is filling with appointments.  Zeke has a vet appointment Tuesday for his third puppy shot and hopefully we can start taking him out for walks on the ground as he will be more protected against parvovirus.  Then on Wednesday I have a dental cleaning in the morning.  I sure hope there is no cavity detected.  The weather here is still nice but boy do the nights cool down.  It has been in the 20's every morning for the past couple of weeks.  There was lots of frost on the car and over the ground today.  The days have been in the 50's so it is perfect to me.  

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday in AZ

Today is another very nice day in AZ.  On days like today I wonder what I didn't like about the desert.  But then reality sets in and I remember that beginning in a few short weeks the temps will begin to hover in the upper 80's shooting into the 90's all too rapidly and then will slide right in to the 100's.  Ugh, I hate the heat that is so oppressive that it takes your breath away anytime you step outside.  And though it is a dry heat, anytime it reaches 104 and stays there for days and days and days it is just too hot!  Right now though it is really nice with the temps in the 50's and 60's here in the Verde Valley during the day and the nights downright cold in the 20's and 30's.  Our water line has frozen a couple of nights now so Curtis has to unhook it from the water faucet overnight to keep it from causing a hole in the hose.  Just another quirk of living long term in an RV!  We have applied to work concessions in Surprise, AZ at a spring training stadium for baseball.  Pray that we will get it or another stadium so we can add to our meager coffers.   

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I had a great relationship with all my grandparents even Mamaw with whom I lived my senior year in high school.  She had no daughters so she really didn't know what to think of me and my independent spirit.  She put some undue restrictions on me even though my parents had given her guidelines.  Nevertheless, we still had a great relationship and she was even a part of my children's lives until they were in high school and junior high.  Now that we are to be welcoming another grandchild into our family I want to make a very deliberate try to be the same loving and accepting grandparent that mine all were.  Accepting each child with his or her personality and strong points and weaknesses.  I have certainly tried to be that with the two we have now but will certainly strive to be even a better grandmother for each one.  I love being a Mamaw myself!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The New Year

We returned from Gilbert, AZ last night where we attended our nephew's wedding reception on Saturday.  It was good to be able to visit with lots of people at the reception and then at church on Sunday.  Melanie and Keenan had a good weekend seeing friends as well as meeting more relatives.  Curtis was able to visit with Gene Beekman who is in the rehab hospital after having a stroke a couple of weeks ago and I visited with his wife, Sara.  But of course, it is always good to get back to our motor home.  Poor little Zeke had to stay in his crate a lot while we were in Gilbert as Curtis' brother, David doesn't allow dogs in his home.  He has allergies to them apparently.  Once again life settles down to the mundane----laundry, grocery shopping and running errands.                           

Friday, January 2, 2009

Trip to Gilbert

Tomorrow morning at 9am we will hit I 17 for the drive south into the Valley of the Sun.  We are taking Curtis' parents down to Gilbert, AZ, a suburb of Phoenix to attend the AZ wedding reception of their 2nd oldest grandson, Davis and his Wisconsin bride, Katie.  Melanie and her boyfriend, Keenan, flew in yesterday from Denver so they could attend, too.  It will be held at Curtis' middle brother's home in Gilbert and should be a nice affair.  We will stay down there Saturday night and go to our old church in Phoenix on Sunday morning.  I will be interested to see if we even know anyone there anymore since AZ is such a transit state.  I probably won't blog anymore for a couple of days.  So talk at you later.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

I can't believe that it is now 2009!  Seems like just yesterday that it was the beginning of 2008.   So much has happened during the past year.  Our country as taken a hit with its economy yet has seen much change in the political arenas.  The historical significance attached to the upcoming inauguration of our first black president will be monumental in the days to come.  How and when the war in Iraq will end and the turning of events in the Gaza are certainly things that are not only newsworthy but very possibly life changing events for the world.  More and more as a nation, a people, a family and an individual we must turn to the Creator for the stability we need in this changing time.  If we keep our eyes on the Lord and trust Him in all things that may happen in the coming days we will have the power to keep the course and weather any storm He might allow around us.  I pray for each of us that we will "turn our eyes upon Jesus and look fully in His Wonderful face and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glory and Grace."  Happy New Year!